Images of taurus the bull
Images of taurus the bull

Don’t worry May is bringing you the clarity you need and deserve. It may have felt that last month brought a few setbacks or stagnation, leaving you confused about where you stand with those closest to you.

images of taurus the bull

This will bring you huge karmic rewards if you keep it up! Try to keep your cool around others while also giving yourself a hall pass to feel all of your deepest feels. Reassessing your relationships, boundaries, coping skills, and defense mechanisms has allowed you to approach life in a more centered way. For some, it may be an internal deep-dive that’s occurred. You wouldn’t have had your solar season any other way! Without all of the hard work and determination that you’ve shown up with this year, you wouldn’t be in the position you are now. The month of May is about to bring you into a chapter of actualized dreams. Not only will they appreciate your efforts, but you’ll feel deeply supported and loved in the process. Try to intertwine and invite in rituals, traditions, and gatherings with the ones you love the most. I sense a chosen-family type of bond that’s being built. Expect yourself to grow deeper and more vulnerable with your friend group. If you’ve recently gone through a loss, this month will be very healing for you. When you say no to the people who are wrong for you, you allow the universe to see that you’re ready to say yes to the ones who are right. Regardless of how long you’ve known someone, what their relationship is to you, or how intertwined your lives may be with one another, it doesn’t excuse one-sided relationships. Three of Cups: My beautiful Venusian babe, I want you to be aware of a few things as we enter into the month of June: Who around you is showing up with loyalty and honesty, and who’s falling short? You’ll need to make a couple of difficult decisions this month regarding who is worthy of your time, and whose time is up. Don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith, and trust that the universe has your best interest in mind at this time. Expect an unexpected call, email, or text from someone who can help you take your career to new heights.

images of taurus the bull

For some of you, a seed that you planted many moons ago is finally starting to fruit. If you are unable to reconcile with your finances, know that you’ll be receiving an influx of cash and opportunities before July is over. This could be related to love, career, or personal development, but whatever sector of your life this is, you’ll know because it’s the portion that feels the most stagnant right now. Your guides are trying to give you messages on how to level up and reach new heights. If you’re willing and able to take time alone-whether this be a vacation, staycation, spa day, or road trip-now is the time.

images of taurus the bull

Nine of Pentacles: My earthly Taurus, this month is going to be all about self-discovery, following your dreams, and working toward the life you truly desire for yourself.

Images of taurus the bull